Thursday, June 28, 2007

8 Weeks and Counting!

What an eventful week we've had! I apparently have been bragging too much lately because the morning sickness curse decided to hit me this week!! And let me tell you, morning sickness is the wrong word...let's call it all day-all night sickness!
Nothing could dampen my spirits though as Monday, June 25th came around. Matt and I visited Dr. Spoon for the first time and we had no idea what to expect! Heading there, our nerves were a bit high worrying about the baby and the heartbeat and everything that, to this point, had been unknown!
Once there, everything went great and Dr. Spoon assured us that all is well and we have nothing to worry about except taking care of me and eating well. He also told us that our due date that he's sticking to is February 10, 2008 meaning we will not be a full 8 weeks until this Sunday in baby terms.
We then were led to a small dark room with an ultrasound machine and we experienced the most amazing moment of the last 8 weeks. As Dr. Spoon positioned the "magic wand" to find the baby, a dark bean shaped area appeared on the screen. Is that the baby?!! He informed us that this is the placenta where the baby will grow and then, all of a sudden, we saw it!! A small flutter that looked no bigger than a millimeter! The heartbeat!! I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion and every ounce of the baby seemed so much more real to us. A tiny heart beating a mile a minute and The Bump is only a little over a centimeter.
Matt and I were beaming and felt as if a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders as we left the doctor's office, Matt on the phone with his Mom & Grandparents and me calling my Mom & Dad to tell them the news. Dr. Spoon then zoomed in on the baby and snapped this adorable picture!! I think The Bump already looks like me..haha.
Tuesday morning we let the cat out of the bag and we told the world that "We're Having a Baby!!!" We have had such an endearing response from all of our friends and family, it really does mean the world to us to be able to share our excitement with you all. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and messages!! I'm sure Matt's friends have already started a pool on the baby's sex or due date....hey, who ever won that bet on the pregnancy that circulated at our wedding??!! Matt and I had the over on a year, so pay up boys!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Look who's gonna be a Dad

I'm still a little shocked! That's why it has taken me a minute to post anything.
I do love hearing the responses you get from family and those close friends that we have told to this point. Sunnie's going to be an incredible mother and I can't believe Channel's going to be a Dad. What's that mean?
Sunnie is on top of her game right now with what "the bump" is doing daily, if not hourly. I on the other hand am listening to fathers that are telling me horror stories and some that are telling me how incredible children are and how lucky I am.
I know I'm lucky and blessed, not only to be witness to the birth of my child and soon be a father but to also have an incredible wife like Sunnie. And having her give birth to our child is going to be pretty amazing in itself.
Let's all pray that Karma doesn't come back and bite me right in the butt for all the crappy things I did when I was young. Maybe I'll call my mom and apologize again. She is probably thinking that since she had to deal with me as a child that the lord has got to bless her with one good child in this lifetime for her to get to take care of ;)
Sunnie did say she would be naming the child if it happens to be a little girl and that I will be naming it if it is a little boy. YIPPEE!!!!! ROY it is! Hank is getting a lot of votes also.
NO Matt Jr. I heard enough Matt's yelled for a lifetime. Even though I just found out that it means "a gift from God".
First Ultra sound on Monday, Let's pray it's not going crazy like a baby daisy in there.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

7 Weeks And Counting!

Happy 7 Weeks!! It seems as though it has been longer than 3 weeks since we found out we were pregnant! It has been so much fun telling our family about the news, although a very hard secret to keep from everyone else! Our Moms were absolutely ecstatic and SO surprised and we even got the chance to tell Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa the news in person.
This last weekend we celebrated Matt's 1st Father's Day and were able to give our Dads, my brothers and family a special Father's Day Surprise. I think it took my Dad a couple of minutes to realize exactly what we had given him basing it on the confused look on his face, which of course turned into a huge smile and a big Dad hug! This is a picture of my Dad with his new Grandpa Toolbelt!
We are counting the days until our 1st doctor's appointment with our awesome OB/Gyn Dr. Spoon, which is this coming Monday, June 25th. We will hopefully have an ultrasound and I hope Dr. Spoon is prepared, because I have a list a mile long of questions!
The Bump is growing faster than ever and, this week, is the size of a raspberry with elbow joints, and distinct, slightly webbed fingers. Don't be scared, but yes, there is still a small tail which, although will disappear in the next few weeks, is an extension of the tailbone!! The most fascinating thing is that The Bump has small eyelids partially covering it's tiny peepers, which already have some color! I'm already wondering what color they will be and if they'll look like Matt's or my own!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

6 Weeks and Counting!

Happy 6 Weeks!! It looks like this Night Owl is going to be hitting the sack early these days since The Bump is growing at a furious pace and boy am I feeling it!! I will be counting the weeks until the end of the first trimester when I regain my energy. All of the much needed rest is for such a good cause as this week the baby's heart has began to pump at 100 to 130 beats per minute. It's amazing to think that I have two hearts beating inside of me...and the baby's beating twice as fast as mine!! The muscle fibers are also starting to build and by the end of the week The Bump will be moving it's tiny limbs or arm buds. Blood is beginning to circulate and the tongue is forming, which I'm sure Matt and I will be all too familiar with in those sleepless nights during red faced tantrums!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Surprise! You're Going to Be a Daddy

If moments in time could be saved...I would do anything to save the look on Matt's face at the exact moment he realized he was going to be a Daddy! A couple weeks ago, during a good spring cleaning Matt (with a slight tear in his eye) got rid of his Jenny McCarthy poster that has been hanging in the garage since we started dating. That's his girl! Just to be funny, I headed to the store the morning after my Mommy surprise to find "Belly Laughs" a book by Jenny McCarthy that she wrote during her own pregnancy. I bought Matt a nice, sentimental card which read on the inside, "You may not be able to hang this on your wall, but I think you'll enjoy this gift much more!" He definitely looked puzzled....and as he opened the wrapping and stared at the book...let me tell you, puzzlement became shock! It was classic. Soon that shock turned into the biggest smile I have ever seen...and I think he asked me, "seriously??" about 100 times over the next few hours. It was the second best moment ever next to our wedding to share something this big together and know that Baby Channel, or as Matt endearingly calls The Bump, is on the way!!

Surprise! You're Going to Be a Mommy

I just had this feeling!! Beginning on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 I began to actually feel like I was pregnant. I somehow forced those feelings into the back of my mind, thinking there's no way... It couldn't be....but of course I couldn't lie to myself because I was really hoping there was a little seed starting to form! I searched the internet for pregnancy symptoms and they all seemed to relate to me. I waited two days until marching into Walgreen's to buy every brand of pregnancy test I could get my hands on. We have a monthly Girl's Night Dinner and low and behold, this month's just happened to be at MY house in two hours!! I rushed home ripped open the little dipstick....and Whoa!!! There's two lines!! Holy Moly they can swim!! I took a peek at myself in the mirror and I have honestly never seen myself smile that big. It was ear to ear and then the giggling started. Beau and Daisy were smiling ear to ear of course too because they were the only ones home. Because of the Girl's Night Dinner, I had scooted Matt out of the house to Grammy Channel's house...for the night!! OMG...I not only had to field questions from the girls as to why I was mysteriously drinking 7up & vodka (because Vodka is clear and I figured they couldn't tell I left that out) but I had to wait until the next afternoon to see Matt! I was at Target peering into their window before they opened the next morning and I bought every book they sold on what happens next! I walked on sunshine the entire night and I have never felt a feeling as good as this! I'm going to be a Mommy!!