What an eventful week we've had! I apparently have been bragging too much
lately because the morning sickness curse decided to hit me this week!! And let me tell you, morning sickness is the wrong word...let's call it all day-all night sickness!
Nothing could dampen my spirits though as Monday, June 25th came around. Matt and I visited Dr. Spoon for the first time and we had no idea what to expect! Heading there, our nerves were a bit high worrying about the baby and the heartbeat and everything that, to this point, had been unknown!
Once there, everything went great and Dr. Spoon assured us that all is well and we have nothing to worry about except taking care of me and eating well. He also told us that our due date that he's sticking to is February 10, 2008 meaning we will not be a full 8 weeks until this Sunday in baby terms.
We then were led to a small dark room with an ultrasound machine and we experienced the most amazing moment of the last 8 weeks. As Dr. Spoon positioned the "magic wand" to find the baby, a dark bean shaped area appeared on the screen. Is that the baby?!! He informed us that this is the placenta where the baby will grow and then, all of a sudden, we saw it!! A small flutter that looked no bigger than a millimeter! The heartbeat!! I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion and every ounce of the baby seemed so much more real to us. A tiny heart beating a mile a minute and The Bump is only a little over a centimeter.
Matt and I were beaming and felt as if a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders as we left the doctor's office, Matt on the phone with his Mom & Grandparents and me calling my Mom & Dad to tell them the news. Dr. Spoon then zoomed in on the baby and snapped this adorable picture!! I think The Bump already looks like me..haha.
Tuesday morning we let the cat out of the bag and we told the world that "We're Having a Baby!!!" We have had such an endearing response from all of our friends and family, it really does mean the world to us to be able to share our excitement with you all. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and messages!! I'm sure Matt's friends have already started a pool on the baby's sex or due date....hey, who ever won that bet on the pregnancy that circulated at our wedding??!! Matt and I had the over on a year, so pay up boys!!

Nothing could dampen my spirits though as Monday, June 25th came around. Matt and I visited Dr. Spoon for the first time and we had no idea what to expect! Heading there, our nerves were a bit high worrying about the baby and the heartbeat and everything that, to this point, had been unknown!
Once there, everything went great and Dr. Spoon assured us that all is well and we have nothing to worry about except taking care of me and eating well. He also told us that our due date that he's sticking to is February 10, 2008 meaning we will not be a full 8 weeks until this Sunday in baby terms.
We then were led to a small dark room with an ultrasound machine and we experienced the most amazing moment of the last 8 weeks. As Dr. Spoon positioned the "magic wand" to find the baby, a dark bean shaped area appeared on the screen. Is that the baby?!! He informed us that this is the placenta where the baby will grow and then, all of a sudden, we saw it!! A small flutter that looked no bigger than a millimeter! The heartbeat!! I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion and every ounce of the baby seemed so much more real to us. A tiny heart beating a mile a minute and The Bump is only a little over a centimeter.
Matt and I were beaming and felt as if a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders as we left the doctor's office, Matt on the phone with his Mom & Grandparents and me calling my Mom & Dad to tell them the news. Dr. Spoon then zoomed in on the baby and snapped this adorable picture!! I think The Bump already looks like me..haha.
Tuesday morning we let the cat out of the bag and we told the world that "We're Having a Baby!!!" We have had such an endearing response from all of our friends and family, it really does mean the world to us to be able to share our excitement with you all. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and messages!! I'm sure Matt's friends have already started a pool on the baby's sex or due date....hey, who ever won that bet on the pregnancy that circulated at our wedding??!! Matt and I had the over on a year, so pay up boys!!