Mommy and her sweet pea
I had to take a picture! Sorry Brody.
Although we seem to go go go throughout the week, the best reward is spending lazy weekends with the family! The kids are cracking us up these days and they not only make each other laugh SO hard, they keep a constant grin on our faces that's for sure.
Brody is rolling rolling rolling and he is mesmerized by Isabella...and she knows it! She spins and jumps and hops through the air and he thinks it is the absolute funniest thing he has EVER seen. She is, of course, our girly girl and giving Matt nightmares of high school already! Everything we do these days has a tiny little voice instruction to it...We turn off the light...and Bella says,"Onnnnnn"....We open the door...and Bella says, "Cwose"...she walked by the TV yesterday and nonchalantly glanced at it and said, "Spudge Baaaa" (that's baby talk for Sponge Bob if you didn't know haha). She is signing so much and her sign for thank you looks like an Italian Guido gesture. She is trying to teach Brody to say thank you which is pretty comical. She is so sweet and twirls those little piggy tails constantly.
We LOVE them and can't get enough of them...but do they really have to grow up so fast!!!???? I need more time and I would like to make it stand still at their ages right now!
Love to you all!!!