Friday, September 23, 2011

Beth and Greg Get Married 9.17.11

Bella's 1st Day of PreSchool!

Big Moment...for all of us! Our baby girl, who has grown up so quickly right before our eyes, has started preschool! We were on a waiting list for ages, so when we finally got the call that she could start this Fall we were beyond excited...and as you can see from the pure excitement smiles is Miss Isabella Hope! She loves picking out her clothes, packing her lunch the evening before and even waking up early! Her teachers are a joy, Miss Nichole & Miss Ghada, and she counts down the minutes until she can go each day. Mom & Dad held it together, okay maybe Mommy started sniffling the minute we left the classroom and Dad had to throw an arm around me ;) Bella loves learning new things, she is begging us to learn how to read since she knows her phonics now ( a Mini Me my Mom says). We are so proud of her...we love you Bella!! xoxo

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Summer Summer Summertime

Apologies, Apologies, but we have had a verrry busy Summer here in Austin! A dance going- soccer playing-find cool things to do inside or in the water because it is so bloody hot-traveling-get ready for first day of school type of Summer! Since there is so much to catch up on, I'm going to let the pictures do the talking for themselves...y'all do not care what I have to babble about anyway right?! Love and Miss you! xoxo

Bella has actually made a group of best girlfriends from dance class...we now play Soccer and have girl time with the little group.

So awesome to see my daughter start relationships that could last forever!

Seeing the country....all boy :)

Snuggling with Sis

How we normally find Brody on any given day

Bella loves to take a picture after every single dance class each Saturday...I have oodles and they are usually this cute!

Bella with her bestie, Lily

Ready for the pool

Bella riding her bike on the "concrete" for the first time. She was apparently enjoying it ;)

A flower girl in Mimi's wedding

Mom & Dad got a trip to Malibu to celebrate Aaron and G's wedding!

Although they are both in "big" kid beds...their favorite thing is to have a slumber party together.

Making condos...a little creative fun indoors in the 80 straight days of 100+ heat!!

My little heart

Olly Olly Oxenfree!

Painting our condos

Bella has serious painting skills! This is her bear.
