Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hello 2nd Trimester!

Hello everyone and we're so happy to be announcing that we have entered our 2nd trimester feeling great! I'm beginning to feel sensations throughout the night in my stomach and it's such a strange feeling to begin realizing that soon I will be feeling kicks and flutters from The Bump's movements. The Bump is about three and a half inches long-about the size of a lemon-and its body is beginning to catch up to its tiny head, which up to this point has been much bigger than the body as you an see in the previous ultrasound pictures. The liver and spleen are functioning fully and The Bump has developed an ultra-fine downy covering all over its body....peach fuzz! The most amazing fact we learned this week is that the brain impulses affecting the facial muscles are working so normally that our little lemon is frowning, grimacing and squinting.
Matt laughs at me because each night our dinner is a surprise to him, whether he is craving something or not...whatever I may be craving on the way home usually wins! Monday night it was fajitas and oatmeal raisin cookies. Yum!! And I'm talking fajitas WITH oatmeal raisin cookies....together...the cookies didn't make it to dessert!
We are really hoping that this coming Monday at our 3rd prenatal appt that we may get lucky and find out the gender of The Bump. I just can't imagine the moment when we hear "It's A..." You know you'll hear all about it in our blog because if it's anything like seeing and hearing the heartbeat for the first time or taking home the first ultrasound pictures to show off our little addition, it will be amazing and one of the most memorable moments in our lives!
Love to you all and hope to have some new pictures for you all to see next week of The Bump....either sporting a football or ballet shoes! But let's be honest, even if we're having a girl she'll be wearing a jersey and pads when I leave her with Daddy!

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