Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bellylicious...20 Weeks And Counting!!

5 months.....and it's our halfway mark!! Matt and I definitely had a reality check the other day when we realized that we are halfway through our pregnancy and we only have a little over 4 months until our due date! Along with our little girl being a whole 5 months, this week has been full of great events. We celebrated the wedding of two of our wonderful friends, Andrea & Christian, this weekend and the event marked the very first wedding produced by A Sunnie Affair. The wedding was touching and beautiful and I am elated that I started this company. Amidst all of the hustle and bustle of set up, I stepped back and knew this is exactly what I want to do and I'm so glad I finally started doing what I love! I could not have done any part of this wedding without the help of my wonderful Mother, Patti, who helped all 5 months of me set up tables, linens, lighting and all of the yummy details I had planned out. Thank you Mom!! Also, I was so proud of my husband, who stood as the Best Man by Christian's side. Matt's speech to the Bride and Groom was wonderful. To say the least, it was a proud night for Mommy Channel.
Our little girl has begun to beat her own little drum in my belly. This week I had the first signs of sciatic pain which proceeded to cause me to walk like the hunchback of Notre Dame all day at work and pull over two times on the way home from work because my leg cramped up so bad I could not seem to straighten it! I was feeling pretty badly and after waking Matt up at midnight to rub out another leg cramp for me...such a good husband...I tried to relax and get some sleep. As I was tossing and turning with belly aches, I was holding the left side of my belly and as I pushed in just a bit she kicked back. It caught me a bit off guard at first because when you begin to feel the little kicks you are not really sure if that's what it really is! I waited a minute or so and pushed in again, and kick again! I did that for an hour or so falling asleep with a smile on my face and completely forgetting about that sciatic pain. I see now how women forget the pain of childbirth because those moments with your little one make those hard times invisible.
We had a very positive prenatal appointment this month and we received the negative results of our Downs & Edwards Syndrome tests. Although we didn't have any reason to worry, of course we did from the moment they administered my blood test. Her measurements were perfect and my amniotic fluid all looked as it should. She is a little over 7 inches long...looks like she is getting her Daddy's long legs since the average is around 6-6 1/2 inches for 20 weeks. She is producing meconium and a substance on her skin that will protect her in the amniotic fluid.
I'm enjoying pregnancy so much and I wish I could relive all of the moments of our first pregnancy over and over, from lying in bed at night watching Matt talk to her in my belly to the excitement we get as we drive to each and every prenatal appointment. It's those moments that remind you that...Life is so good.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

hi, just surfing thorugh blogger and stopped to read yours. Congratulations on your baby girl! enjoy every minute of the rest of your pregnancy.

When I was pregnant with my twins, and my son, I would get those leg cramps in the middle of the night. Aren't they awful? A friend suggested that if you can put your foot (with the leg cramp) flat against something cool/cold, it will help with the cramp. Also, eat more bananas....