I HEART the Bumbo seat!!
Kenna and Isabella having fun!!
I'm keeping our friend's baby, Kenna, who was born November 14, 2007 a couple of days a week and she and Isabella are having the time of their lives. They love to play on their blankets together and Kenna is such a little roly poly...she's rolling all over the place and I can tell Isabella is taking notes :) Every time Kenna rolls toward her, Isabella's eyes get really big like "Whoa, did you see that??!!!"
Isabella is such a happy and giggly baby...she has started to mimic me and has begun to blow bubbles with her lips. She loves the sound she makes and of course that Mommy is smiling and laughing...so she does it all the time during the day now. She has also learned how to sit in the Bumbo seat and she and Beau sit and stare at each other now. When she sits in the Bumbo seat she is exactly eye level with him and they both love it.
On an awesome and upbeat note, today we found out that our baby Daisy is reacting to the cancer medication and her blood tests today show that her lymphocyte cancer cells are back to normal! It's such a miracle and we cannot believe that we went into the appointment today expecting the worst news and instead we found out that she's a little fighter and she'll be around for a lot longer. We'll have to keep a close watch on her and she will always be on an oral chemo drug, but the vet said she will most likely act normal and hopefully have at least another 18 months with us. We are so thankful...and also, thank you for all of you who have sent us little cards and emails about Daisy...we, and she, appreciate it so much. For all of you animal lovers, I'm sure you realize how hard it is to go through something like this.
We love you all and it's hard to believe Bella Bean is going to be 3 months next week....as I've said before a million times...time flies when you're having fun!!!