Friday, April 11, 2008

Shaq-eela Channel

Look at that pout!

Sleepy time with Mommy!

Do you want to be friends??!! it okay??!!

Soooo....we've have either a WNBA star on our hands or a supermodel in the making!!! We went to Isabella's 2 month pediatrician appointment this week and I was so excited to weigh her and measure her height. I try to weigh her with me on the scale but I wanted an exact measurement of my little growing pumpkin! She is weighing in at 11 lbs 6 oz and she is 24.5 inches long!! This means she is in the 50th percentile for weight and above the 95th percentile for height!!! Holy Moly girlfriend!!

Along with the docor's visit....came 3 shots! What a miserable thing to have to go through....and it was so hard on us!! They poked her in her little chubber thighs and the tears started to flow. She cried so hard it was a silent cry!! Matt and I had just received the terrible news that our dog Daisy has leukemia the night to say the least it was an emotional week for the both of us. We're taking the news one day at a time and hoping for knowledge and strength to do all the right things for her. Thank you to everyone who has sent Baby D your love and prayers :)

We also got to spend some time with our friends Annie and Eric and their little girl, Makenna. Makenna is soooo sweet and such a happy baby! She has a smile that will melt you! Isabella was very curious of someone her own size! She wasn't sure whether she should smile or cry hahaha I love how babies can go through ten emotions in a 2 minute span :)

This week we are working on kisses (she almost has them down, but thinks french kisses are for everyone) and her Ah-goo sounds. This morning she was mimicking my Ah-goo sounds and then she would crack up at me when I got excited and started dancing around like a goofball! Thank goodness we don't have cameras in our home...y'all would get a belly laugh at Mommy and Bella time...oh yeah and you would figure out real quick that I cannot sing nor do I know all the words to the nursery I make up my own! hahaha

Love to you all!!!

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