Friday, February 6, 2009

A Month of Firsts!

My 1st Haircut!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee with Daddy!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with my cousin Courtney!

Lovely 1st Birthday Outfit Bella...such a Pretty Princess!

Happy Birthday Pumpkin!

Princess Rylee

Princess Bella

Princess Makenna

Princess Piper
Bella's Pretty Princess Birthday!

I can have my cake and eat it too

Yes, Mommy was crying :)

Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuu!

Cake all over the place!!

Hanging with her all her cousins!

Gorgeous hat dawling

What are you doing in my tent Beau? You're not a princess!

Oh what the heck...Daddy come on in! Daddy and Bella in her condo :)

As I reminisced in my last post, I still can't believe it has been a year since we were blessed with our funny girl Isabella! And who would have known we'd be right around the corner from expecting our little man! Whoa!

Isabella had a month of firsts this last month and she was amazing through all of them...letting her little social butterfly personality shine through as it semms to always do. She is still laughing just as hard...although I think she cracks herself up more than anything :) She had her first haircut and she did wonderfully. I have to give it to the hairdresser...I have never seen someone cut hair that quickly! I wish my hair appointment were like that!! In and out and she even got to sit in a really cool little car with a DVD player in front of her! Very cool. haha

Her biggest and most eventful first of the whole year was her Pretty Princess Party! She had 16 kids and 35 adults attend (pop-u-lar) and Mommy and daddy supplied the girls with lots of dress up furs, necklaces, crowns and boas so that they could all feel like a princess for the day. What was amazing is how many of them decked themselves out in the garba nd kept it on the whole party! I guess we have a bunch of girly girls on our hands! Rylee and Isabella were literally wearing every piece of dress up by the end of the party...purses and all!! It was the cutest thing ever and Isabella had an absolute blast. She was on the "go" the entire party....really hated the cake on her hands because it was "messy" and she was so pooped out at the end of the party that she could not even keep her little eyes open after the last guest walked out of the door. Thank you to everyone who attended to make her day so special. As all of you know who attended, I was a blubbering Mommy during the Happy Birthday song because Matt and I are so blessed by her and I just don't want her to get any bigger!!
We are currently at 33 weeks and Baby Boy Channel is steadily growing and growing...and kicking and kicking! And so is my BELLY a growing!!!!!! I'm feeling a bit wabbly...or should I say waddly...these days and I'm having quite a bit of pressure so I have to watch what I do and how much I pick up the little munchkin. We are so excited to meet him and we'll be headed to the hospital before we know it!!

Love to you all! XOXO

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