We had a real deal winter snow storm this week and who knew that it would snow from 3am to 9pm!!! This is Austin, TX people!! Anywho, I was able to sneak out of work early (sorry Brides) and spend some snow day fun with Bella B!
She loved scooping the snow and making snow balls for the first time ever (which we threw at Daddy when he got home teehee).
Bella, being the Suzie Homemaker that she is, decided that we should save a snowball and put it in the freezer. It went "night night" (as Bella put it) in the freezer for about 5 minutes, at which time Bella decided that it would make a perfect meal for Bubba in her play kitchen. To say the least, Mr. Snowball made quite the mess as he melted but she had a blast stirring it on her stovetop!
Hope you enjoy our snow day pics!!
Mommy and Bella