Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Me Bella Mimi Gigi Courtney Auntie Linda

Nothing says Summer time like drinking from the hose :)

Doing her gorgeous arabesque...I'm thinking more of a Heisman...her Daddy likes to think so

Hide 'n' Seek in the back of Daddy's truck

Is anyone going to find us?!!

Follow the Leader with Papa Nay

Mother's Day! What a fabulous day for us Mommys to enjoy our families and step back and look at the beautiful miracles we are able to create. Yes, hard work, not much sleep and way too many days that I have looked in the mirror and been taken aback by my roots. But...hey each and every moment is worth those smiles and big blues staring back at you!

This year, we traveled to San Augustine to visit Matt's Mama (Mimi), Grandma (Gigi), cousin Courtney (who is expecting Mason this year!) and Auntie Linda. We had so much fun and the kids just love East Texas. Forests, mud, trees and so much space to just run and be kids. It was an awesome weekend and my wonderful husband made my day so special as always. I missed seeing my own Mama that day and getting to hug her for all of the sleepless nights and worry she went through to get me raised :) I was a good kid so I think she got off easy hahaha

Hope all you Moms had a great day too! xoxoxo

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